Saturday, June 15, 2013

What Else Would Decrease the High American Murder Rate? Part 14 in The Right Response?

Sea pirates,
Of a fearless rogue nation, Somalia,
Have instilled fear in the merchant navies of the world,
They abduct, hijack, demand ransom,
And surprisingly get away with all that.
Victims suffer,
U.N.O. is reluctant and shy to take on Somalia,
US and NATO put in half-hearted efforts,
To contain the sea pirates' menace,
As they are not directly affected,
The saga of medieval times of sea pirates,
From Arabian Nights, is alive in 21st century,
Enacted non-stop,
Who is at fault?
Who is to bell the cat?
Inertia in our minds,
Humanity pays a heavy price.
Gender Inequality,
Anachronism in Pakistan and Afghanistan... ,
Taliban's ban on female education goes unchecked in 21st century,
There are Malalas all over the world,
Waiting for rescue from the clutches of fundamentalists,
Will a Noble Prize to one Malala, change the world?
If not, how and when this anachronism will disappear from our world?
Can we be proactive,
Or a passive approach is good enough?
Kings and Queens,
Are still moving around,
To remind us of medieval period's obsolete concepts,
When will, Kings and Queens disappear physically from the world?
There are plenty of royal families still around us in:
UK, Spain, Denmark, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Emirates...
Why do we cling to old memories and traditions?
Why we are proud of obsolete traditions?
When will the isolated obsolescent Kings and Queens,
Merge with commoners beyond recognition,
And we obliterate all signs and symbols of royalty from the world,
Except in history books in schools?
Legacy of Colonialism
Kohinoor, the jewel in British crown,
Represents: colonialism;
Reminds a nation, its glorious past,
Where Sun never used to set on its empire.
A developed, democratic nation, rational in analysis,
Can take tough, unpopular, but right decisions,
Return the Kohinoor to its right owners, India,
Who had to part with it, under duress,
To dilute anachronism in the world.
A wrong done 2000 years ago,
Was undone,
Enforced on weaklings,
Reminiscent of jungle raj,
Can we set right a wrong, done earlier by another wrong action?
Why punish present generation for the wrong done,
By the fore-fathers, who lived 100 generations earlier?,
Israel, a nation created for Jews, victims of World War 2,
Refuses to accept a win-win strategy,
70 years of hatred and violence in search of harmony,
Has failed humanity.
We refuse to think as human-beings,
We cling to our own subgroups,
Our loyalty is to our sub groups and not to humanity,
As long as we live,
After our death, we are human-beings for God,
But our corpses carry the tag of Palestinians or Israelis.
Humanity and its lofty principles!
Who cares, the impractical ideas?
Colonial Legacy,
Colonial legacy is the cause,
The effect, is there for all to see, in:
India, Pakistan; Middle East; Zimbabwe... ,
All the hot spots in the world,
A legacy of colonialism,
Want to shed the burden of anachronism,
Enjoy the human civilisation,
Self-interest of developed nations takes priority,
Arms industry in US, Russia must survive,
Welfare measures to uplift humanity, take a back seat.
Anachronism lingers on.
Anachronism in 21st century!
We feel,
Enforced discipline is anachronism
Self-discipline is the new mantra.
But is humanity capable of exercising self-discipline?
Unfortunately, not yet,
Our evolution is incomplete,
Some of us erroneously believe,
Anachronism will decay,
If there is,
Freedom to choose and we all judiciously exercise self-discipline:
To view pornography;
To opt for gay marriages;
To have guns.
You may not agree,
But this is democracy,
The winner may not value traditional values,
May not have faith in religious beliefs and books.
Humanity is Religion,
Anachronism is all around us:
In our religions, patriotism, relationships, traditions and culture.
We need behaviour-based religious directives,
Compassion and love all around;
Belief and ritual based religions, nurture fundamentalism,
Support revenge, hatred, violence, in the name of God,
Represent anachronism, lead to division in humanity,
Behaviour-based religious directives will unify humanity.
Shape of things to come:
Economics and not religions, will rule the basic values in life,
Militants and Fundamentalists will be a history, in the no-so-distant future.
Anachronism pervades in the world,
When we do not feel a part of humanity,
We take unwarranted pride in our own specific sub-group only.
And call it, Patriotism, pride of our nation, culture. language.
When will the world, belong to humanity?
Will we be always identified as Christians or Muslims or Buddhists or Hindus;
Will we always belong to China or US or India or Brazil or Germany... ,
Or we will all belong to one and only one, human species?
Freedom and Self-discipline,
To win anachronism, we have to overcome,
The ills of prostitution, smoking, drinking, drugs, by self discipline?
We must not have defeatist approach,
And corporatize prostitution, as in Australia,
We must go all out to annihilate drug farming,
In Afghanistan, Venezuela, golden triangle in SE Asia,
Although 52% US citizens want Marijuana, legally permitted,
Local leaders are anachronism,
We need leaders for humanity,
There is acute shortage of Gandhis,
We have leaders, representing a religion, not humanity,
They derive support by articulating supremacy of own culture, religion over others,
We have local leaders, state leaders, who exploit inter-state differences,
Can not think as leader of humanity.
Gandhi was a world-class leader,
We need Human-beings with world outlook, not with a parochial outlook,
Limited to my family, my community, my state, my religion.
Let us fight anachronism on all fronts.

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